Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

Today has been a terrific day. I could not have drawn it out any better than it was. I woke this morning and although I was late to work, I had a decent day at work. After work I told myself that I had to head to the gym. Since I now am a member of the YMCA and not the gym at my job now, I can come home, grab my workout bag and then head to the gym. Today I almost sabotaged my going to the gym. Once I reached home, I immediately thought about taking that same ole same ole nap that I have taken all too much over the course of the last two months. I had almost talked myself out of attending the gym when I reached for my phone and tweeted "EmbarassedFatty: Is about to get her workout on....YMCA here I come!". Would you believe that this tweet held me accountable? In fact, it was immediately after I tweeted this that I jumped up and grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I thought that once I tweeted that to all of my followers that I could not let them down. Guess what, it worked!!!!!

When I arrived at the gym, I knew I would work out on the treadmill. So I jumped on it and worked out as if no one was watching. I had my upbeat music on my iPod and I jammed for 35 minutes - and it felt good. It was long enough to make me have a good sweat! After I finished the treadmill, I wanted to get on the elliptical, but all three machines were taken. I thought to myself, what else could I do? I wanted to get twenty more minutes in of exercise. I went to the front desk and asked was there open gym? To my surprise, there was. I immediately went out to my car, grabbed my high top tennis shoes and basketball and went to the gym where I shot basketball for 20 minutes...what a fitting ending?

Today I have named terrific as I am truly proud of my fitness accomplishment. I hope to keep this up for days/weeks/months to come. Wish me luck!!!

-Embarrassed Fatty-


ernise said...

My goodness! Yes, you definitley had a Terrific Tuesday!

It is great that you didn't talk yourself out of going to the gym! One of the reasons I workout in the AM is because I know that I would talk myself out of going after work. You avoided that! Good for you!

Keep it moving!

Kenlie said...

This is excellent!